Code Your Future

From novice to expert, we guide you through every step of your coding journey.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is web application development?

Web application development is the process of creating software applications that run on remote servers and are accessed through web browsers. Technologies that can be used to build web applications include HTML, CSS, JavaScript for front-end development, and server-side languages like Python, JavaScript, or PHP for back-end development, which are often paired by databases like MySQL or MongoDB.

How long does it take to learn web development?

It depends on several factors, including your prior experience, the depth of knowledge you want to achieve, and the amount of time you can dedicate to learning.

HTML & CSS1 to 2 months. Extra 2 months for responsive design and a framework such as TailwindCSS and BootstrapCSS.

JavaScript3 months of consistent studies to cover the basics of the language.

Frontend Framework3 months, such as React.js and Vue.js.

Backend Framework3 months, such as Express.js. If you opt to learn a framework based on a different programming language, such as Django (Python) or Laravel (PHP) the learning cycle will be at least 6 months.

Databases1 to 2 months

Full-Stack Development2 months

Overall, we estimate around 12 months for you to go from beginner to a full-stack web developer.

What is the difference between web design and web development?

Web design shapes the look and feel, web development brings the design to life. Web design focuses on the aesthetic and usability aspects of a website, including its layout, colors, fonts, and overall user experience. Web development, on the other hand, involves coding and building the website's functionality. It includes both frontend development and back-end development.

What is a framework in web development?

A framework in web development is a pre-written set of code libraries and tools that provides a foundation for building web applications. It streamlines development by offering reusable components, reducing the need to write code from scratch. Frameworks can be frontend or backend. They help manage common tasks like routing, database interaction, session management, and user authentication, enabling developers to focus on building unique features.

Can I get a refund if the course is not suitable for me?

Due to the nature of our services, we cannot offer refunds. We recommend trying our course material first by purchasing a monthly subscription before committing to a permanent plan.

Is the course completely text based?

Yes, for now. We will be adding video lessons in the future, and they will be automatically available to existing users at no extra cost.

What if I have technical issues accessing the course materials?

If you encounter any technical issues, please contact us at